Went out to find the baby robins gone. Sure hope the little guys made it!
vegan cosmetics, plants, herbs, gardening, herbalism
Went out to find the baby robins gone. Sure hope the little guys made it!
I was able to sneak in a get a couple pictures of the baby robins. I think they are just about to leave their nest. How cute are they!!
One of my favorite salads is made using Loma Linda Canned Tender Bits
You just cut up the tender bits, which come in a can, fry them for a few minutes with vegetable oil and some garlic salt. Then while hot, toss them into a bagged salad of your choice. I like a spring mix or veggie mix and top with italian dressing. So delicious, the blend of hot and cold!
This robin made a nest in our tree. The pictures turned out so nice I just had to post them. There are 2 baby birds in the nest and I'm really hoping they both make it!
The raised veggie garden is finally ready and we've planted a few things: tomatoes, yellow bell pepper and a jalapeno. The official last day of frost here in Ohio is May 10th, so I'm gonna hold off on planting the delicate sprouts until then. I've been sunning the sprouts for a few hours a day to get them used to the sun. They all did pretty well but I lost a few.
This sunflower sprout is so big. ! can't wait to see the beautiful flower it produces and eat those seeds!