I hadn't used my juicer in awhile so I pulled it out the other day and went to the store to get some carrots, celery and apples. I like blending these three together with a little agave nectar. My boyfriend was watching with a horrified look on his face as I started running the carrots and celery through. He said "I don't think I'll be drinking any of that!" I said "Why not, it's so good for you?" He shrugged and walked away. I'm not sure if the sight of the juicing bothered him or the thought of drinking carrots and celery did it.
After I finished, I handed him a little glass and he took the smallest sip possible. He said it wasn't that bad and finished the teaspoon worth of juice left. But, he didn't ask for seconds. I don't think I will convert him into a juicing fan anytime soon.
For now, I'm inspired to juice more which will probaby be temporarily. It always is. As much as I would love to juice daily, I just lose my motivation somehow and the juicer ends up back in the cabinet collecting dust. My mission for next week is to look for some creative juice recipes that will inspire me.
I'll share what I find....
The one thing that I don't like about juicing is how many vegetables and pieces of fruit it takes to make a small glass of juice. I'm all for getting my veggies but can't really afford to spend $10 on a 16 oz glass of juice. So, to get my daily veggie intake I resort to green supplements and powders. One of my favorites is Green Magma, barley grass juice. This juice contains a very balanced blend of nutrients: vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, active enzymes, proteins an chlorophyll. It is individually packaged so you can add it to smoothies or juice. You can even drink it in water if you don't mind the taste.
Another great green powder is wheatgrass. Wheatgrass contains antioxidants, vitamins including B12, many minerals and trace elements like selenium, and all 20 amino acids. Plus it contains other nutrients and beneficial enzymes. Some people choose to grow their own wheatgrass. You can buy a kit which seems fairly easy but you will also have to invest in a wheatgrass juicer. Apparently, you can't juice wheatgrass in a regular juicer. I've always wanted to grow wheatgrass myself so I would love to hear from others who grow/juice wheatgrass. Drop me an email.
vegan cosmetics, plants, herbs, gardening, herbalism
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