Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Where's Spring

I live in Southern Ohio, a nice place to live because we get all four seasons. Spring, summer and fall are great, but winter gives me the blues! About mid-December I start longing for spring. Right around the end of February, floral shops and grocery stores start getting in their hyacinths which is one of my favorite plants. They smell so good and one plant can fill a whole room with fragrance. The purple ones smell the best in my opinion. Anyway, as soon as I get a whiff of these flowers I know spring is right around the corner. Every year I buy a purple hyacinth so I can enjoy its scent until the warm weather comes.

This year winter seems to be dragging on and on for me. We had bad ice a couple weeks ago and flooding this week. Right now, it's about 32 degrees. I've bought 2 hyacinths to get me through and both have bloomed out and are now waiting for the last frost to be planted.

I watch a lot of HGTV and just entered to win the 2008 Green Home. Wish me luck! Aside from how awesome it would be to live in a 'green' home, warmer South Carolina is looking like paradise to me right now. It's nice that HGTV is showing people so many 'green' options for remodeling and decorating because lots of people who would otherwise be unaware of these options tune in daily to this channel. I guess they really are taking 'green' mainstream. Any other HGTV fans out there?

Okay, way off topic. I was questioning whether spring is ever going to get here. A bit of a rant but relevant because I want to start planting those little veggie plants and showing off all my food creations. The sprouts are doing well, although I didn't get as many melon spouts as I had hoped and no cucumbers at all. Anyone have experience with these? Maybe they take a little longer or need special care.

I was so thrilled with the early success of the sprouts that I decided to get another biodome and start some flower seeds too. I got black eyed Susans, lavender (I already have a couple lavender plants but thought I could give some away), daisies, lupine and butterfly weed. Can't wait to see what happens with them!

vegan cosmetics, plants, herbs, gardening, herbalism

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