Saturday, August 30, 2008

Photos & Aerogarden Update

Well, the aerogarden is still performing well. Chives have popped up:

As I wrote before the control panel notifies you when it's time to add nutrients or water. As of now I haven't had to do either.

I'm loving this Aerogarden so much, I'm thinking of buying another one. They make a set up now where you can use it to grown any seeds you want. I think it will be great for spring seed starting!

Aerogarden and Supplies

A few favorite wildflowers

I have always loved wildflowers but I became interested in identifying and collecting them when I took a spring wildflowers class in college. I enjoyed it so much I took the fall flowers class as well. Hey, it went toward my science minor and it was very enjoyable.

New York Ironweed Vernonia noveboracensis -

Each small floret contains sweet nectar, which makes it a favorite for swallowtail butterflies and other insects. Native Americans may have used the Ironweed root to relieve pain after childbirth. Some species of Ironweed have been used to treat stomach problems.

Goldenrod- Laboratory studies have found that active compounds in goldenrod help reduce inflammation. It was used historically for wound healing. Can be used to make a natural yellow dye.

Orange/Red Trumpetvine (Trumpet Creeper)- This is a beauty! The fresh leaves can be irritating to some people, so it is mostly used dried. Dried plant parts have been used to treat fungus, yeast and tinea infections. If you would want to collect this plant, it is best to wear gloves.

Favorite Garden Flower

This is the Passionflower, my all-time favorite garden perennial. It can be invasive if you don't keep up with it because it spreads underground and also from seeds. This is a climber that can turn any arbor, fence or trellis into what looks like a tropical getaway. It is hardy here in Ohio, zone 6. It dies back in the winter but returns in spring. By mid-summer the plant can grow very tall. The bright green foliage is covered with gorgeous, scented purple and white flowers that bees just love. After the flower dies, a very interesting seed pod starts to form. I'll try to get a picture of a pod to show here soon.

Sunflowers- I love all kinds of sunflowers! They're just so pretty and useful. After the flower dies and the seeds start to form, they make great food for the birds or for people. I like to collect a few seeds for use the following year and leave the rest for my feathered friends. As you can see in the photo above, bees also love sunflowers and I love bees in my garden. Bees make a garden healthy and happy!

vegan cosmetics, plants, herbs, gardening, herbalism

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