Thursday, September 27, 2012

DIY Cleaning & Laundry Supplies

fabric softener, window cleaner, laundry soap

These are so easy and work great! I can't believe I haven't made my own cleaning supplies before now. I had most of the ingredients already, so I only had to buy a few things. All the ingredients are cheap and come in large containers.

DIY Laundry Soap

Blend until you get 2 cups of bar soap (such as Kirk's castile) in your food processor. Add to it 1 cup washing soda and 1 cup borax (both available at larger grocery stores). Shake well. If you like, add about 10 drops essential oil. I used lavender. Stir well. Cheap and simple!
Add 2 T to each load of laundry. 

DIY Fabric Softener

Get a bottle with a pop off top like the one shown to the left. Put 2 cups white vinegar and 2 cups baking soda into the bottle. Then , add 4 cups water. It will fizz a lot so don't be alarmed. Swish to get ingredients evenly mixed. You can also add essential oil to your liking. 
You will have to shake this vigorously before each use! Either add 1/4 cup to your washer during the rinse cycle or keep and old rag in the laundry room and put about a teaspoon worth of it on the rag and toss into the dryer with wet clothes (my preferred method).

DIY Window cleaner

Get a spray bottle. Put the following in it:
2 C water,  1 C white vinegar, 1 C alcohol, 1 T lemon juice, 2 T dish soap

Use just like you would commercial window cleaner.

All Purpose Citrus Cleaner

This is still in the process of being made so I'll update when finished. To make this all purpose cleaner, you put orange peels into a jar filled with white vinegar and let it sit at least 10 days. Strain and put into a spray bottle.

Basil Preservation Update

Though preserving basil this way was a messy process (see previous post), the cubes did turn out nicely. I think it's worth the trouble. I'm hoping to winter over my basil, but if that doesn't work, I'll be glad I took time to do this.

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